Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Trip

Lee, Jessica, Edgar and I took a very last minute trip this holiday weekend. It was quite fun. After this trip Edgar has been in five states. He is getting to be well traveled.

We started Saturday out by driving to New Mexico and taking a stop in White Sands National Monument.

Edgar is very excited to get out of the car.

Okay maybe we are all happy to get out of the car besides just Edgar.

So pretty.

Sandy hills as far as you can see. All you need now is an ocean and it would be perfect.

Trotting along feeling very fine with himself.

Windy cheeks.

Yeah, this is one happy dog.

Edgar suddenly forgets how to use his legs and can't walk down a sand dune. He requires assistance from Jessica and Lee.

Cool ripples in the sand.

Blowing sand.

Who's the king?

Lee and Edgar play a little chase.

Lee's sandals got taken off right away as it was impossible to walk in the sand with them.

While my shoes weren't hard to walk in they collected sand like buckets.

Yes I was there too.

The next day we go to Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas. There was only one small trail that we could bring Edgar on. But that was okay as we were all tired from the long drive the night before.

"What do you mean I'm in Texas now?"

"Guess they weren't lying."

Walking the trail with Edgar looking for promising peeing spots.

So hot and so dry.

More rock formations.

Flowers. Guess just because it's hot and rocky doesn't mean there aren't any blooms.

That night we went to a drive in movie and brought Edgar with us. Jessica and I sat in the front seats while Lee sat in the back and hugged Edgar/scratched his butt for an hour and a half.

Monday we went to Carlsbad Caverns. Oh yes even Edgar came with us. We boarded him at the caverns for five dollars. Pretty cheap. Since he didn't go into the caves with us I will refrain from putting up pictures of the cavern formations.

"Oh no I'm stuck in the car again!" Anybody out there ever try sharing a back seat with an Old English Sheepdog? Talk about seat hogs. It looks like he should be laying in the seat by himself but he is actually sharing it with Jessica at that moment. Monday afternoon we start our long drive back home and get in around 1:30 in the morning.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Off Raw

Edgar keeps having on and off diarrhea while on the raw diet. Since we are in a vacation condo for a few months that is fully carpeted we decided to take him off it. Once we get to a more permanent location, (that isn't fully carpeted) I am going to put him back on it. Then mess around to see if I can find out what is disagreeing with him on the raw diet. Otherwise Edgar loves the raw food and it has helped SO much with all his itching allergy problems.

Our Short Adoption Experience

Lee and I adopted an Old English Sheepdog from an rescue dealing in that breed. We decided to name her Emma to go along with Edgar's name. She was seven years old. This is a picture of her on the day we brought her home.

Emma learned how to sit, come, her name, and was working on down. Every time she would see you or catch your eye her butt would start wagging a mile a minute and up she would come to see you. I have never met another dog as friendly as her before.

After having her for about 25 days she counter surfed while we were out one night and ate most of a loaf of bread. That morning after realizing something was wrong we brought her into an emergency vet. There we were told that Emma had Bloat. We made the decision to put her down.

This is the last picture I took of her 16 days after the first one. She was all happy because I came out while she was sleeping in the hallway.